Content Strategy:
How does content strategy create leads?
How does content bring value?
What types of content create the customer journey?
- Content strategy is a well-known word used often in digital marketing. It is placed in informational channels to create brand awareness and goes beyond just blogging!
- Content strategy is about bringing value to your select audience. Once you bring value, you bring traffic!
- Your content must be of value to bring an audience. Content comes in the form of written content(such as blogs, white papers, articles), website content, podcasts, videos, and infographics.
- Traffic is good but ultimately what you want are clients/customers coming to your site, your podcasts, your videos to subscribe and buy what you are offering.
- What’s important is that your content answers a question, gives advice or direction, or activates the audience to sign up for your emails or buy your product or call for a consultation.
- Close to 80% of people use their smartphones to read information, so, it’s essential to be intentional and have a plan about how and where you place your content. Clear, concise and relevant images with well placed SEO words is key.
- Content Strategy is what Digital Marketer Lab out of Austin, Texas calls the Customer Value Journey.
The majority of audiences read content on their smartphone
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You are almost there! You have your website with lots of SEO sass! So what’s next? Where does your focus lie in content strategy?
DigitalMarketer Lab has created an intensive customer journey with 8 active steps to find customers, keep them as loyal clients and solve bottlenecks along the way…all the way to the top!
Customer Awareness– This is the very first step in engaging your audience. It is answering a need, solving a problem, or creating an idea that will help them.
Engagement Stage-If your audience has moved to this stage, they are on your blog, website, or webinar to learn more.
Subscribe Stage– This is the stage where someone really pivots and subscribes to your email list, your newsletter, or a lead page that captures their email information. This stage is important. It is the beginning of a potential customer/client
Conversion Stage– Now this stage signifies a place where someone has actually has paid for your service
Excite Stage-You have a customer! This customer or client may only have purchased one time. How do you lead them to the stage where they are excited and want more?
Ascend Stage-The customer/client is seeking more services or products. They see the value of what you offer and want to buy more, take your paid courses, or hire you full-time to solve a problem.
Promote Stage-At this stage your customer/client is giving referrals, is promoting your business. They want to share with others their successful results having used your products, your services.
Advocate Stage-Your customer is at the stage of advocating on your behalf in other markets. They are spreading the word personally or professionally about your service or product.
In conclusion, content strategy is building brand awareness, engaging the right audience (who either buys your services or product), and converting them to your biggest fans! It takes consistency over time to build such a plan, and as you do, your dream is realized.
Content strategy is an ongoing process. Brainstorming, innovating, and writing engaging value-based content is important. It involves knowing how content is picked up by search engines, how social media makes an impact.
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