By now most people know what SEO stands for and how it is so important to market your product or service. But are you aware of how you can actually overdo SEO words in your blog or digital content?

Google, the most popular and widely used search engine, frowns on blogs and digital content crowded with too many keywords. For example: if you are selling medical spa services and you have a blog about facials, you don’t need to cram your article with the key words of facial, facial, facials.

Be strategic and intentional about mentioning keywords.

  1. Use the URL address for that particular blog post and put the word facial in it. Example: You simply create a slug for your url post page. If you are using WordPress, do a quick edit on this page and in the field that says slug. Use hyphens between each word.

Use the same key word in the title:

2. Your title might read like this: Facials That Really Work or How Effective are Professional Facials?

This tells your reader two things: 1. It is challenging the idea of why facials are needed, and 2. It uses the word Facials effectively

Pick three keywords to use throughout the blog or digital content:

3. Google and other search engines are looking for quality over quantity. If you were at a party or business meeting and someone just kept repeating the same word over and over again in conversation, wouldn’t it seem a bit weird and yes, a bit manipulative? On the other hand, using words such as facial, professional skincare, and medical spa would be great connective words to draw a reader searching for facials and good skin toward your blog. Repeating these words every two sentences would be monotonous and boring!

Imagine someone at a party repeating the same words over and over to you. Say it’s goes something like this, “I have a Harvard degree in Economics.” or “I went to Harvard, you know.” Would this be effective? Would you want to talk to this person?

4. Google likes information that helps people. Your article on why professional facials are effective in preventing less wrinkles or how it keeps your skin clean with less chance of infection is worthwhile and helpful for the person looking for stronger, younger appearing skin, or for a way to keep acne breakouts from happening.

5. Use meta descriptions to also access your blog page on facials. These snippets of information appear on the google search and give your reader an idea of what they are looking for in their search.

6. Make your information readable. The Fleishman Reading score can help you determine if your content writing is appropriate for your audience. It calculates the words and scores the writing from 100-o, with the highest score being the easiest to read (first grade) to in the most difficult range (30-0). It counts the words in a sentence and the range of difficulty.

7. Use an SEO software plug in to help boost your visibility. Yoast SEO is a plug in you can use directly on a website to gauge the score. External software programs that are not plugs in such as can score websites, documents and other external items. SEO products help in many ways-

a. scoring readability

b. measure the SEO length and use of words in a meta description

c. suggest key words

d. Suggest using other items in your blog, such as images

Search similar sites and the top award winning sites

Stay current with what the latest trends and practices by visiting websites and blogs of similar services and competitors. What sites come up first. Note: Sites with the word Ad pay to come up first. Notice the keywords and where they are in the headings and body of the blog or website.

Search for top award winning blogs or sites. Notice why they are chosen as top blogs or sites, including SEO strategy.

As Google and other search engines continue to strengthen their algorithms and standards for choosing top billing on their search engines, it’s important you stay current by attending webinars on SEO strategy, consulting SEO strategist, and staying current reading about SEO strategies and practices.

Consistency in your branding and using SEO strategy is a longer approach but with more lasting effects.